HKEX Foundation and The Community Chest of Hong Kong Support Traditional Chinese Medicine Services for Restoring Physical and Psychological Wellness of Breast Cancer Patients
Traditional Chinese Medicine Services for Restoring Physical and Psychological Wellness of Breast Cancer Patients
The Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation’s first Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) clinic commenced operation in 2021 at the HKBCF Jockey Club Breast Health Centre (Kowloon), to provide breast cancer patients with TCM services, including doctor consultation, medicine prescription and acupuncture, to alleviate the side effects of breast cancer treatments. It also provides emotional and psychological support to enhance their quality of life during their journey of recovery.
We are deeply grateful for the funding support from the HKEX Foundation, which allows us to provide subsidised TCM services to the low-income group. The funded project is granted for eligible breast cancer patients starting from June 2021 for a period of 3 years. Eligible applicants include patients who have finished breast cancer treatments within 12 months; or breast cancer patients of low-income group; or breast cancer patients aged 60 or above.
The funded project aims to support the community in the following ways:
1) Underprivileged breast cancer patients would not be deterred access to TCM services for relieving the side effects of breast cancer treatments due to financial difficulties;
2) TCM services will effectively improve the symptoms arisen from breast cancer treatments, and ultimately strengthen patients’ health conditions;
3) The emotional and psychological supports, including pre-service assessment and phone counselling support service provided by our registered nurses, could relieve patients’ psychological disturbance and improve their quality of life;
4) Our TCM educational materials provide useful and updated information about breast health and help enrich patients’ knowledge of breast cancer.
For registration and enquiries, please contact us at:
- Breast Cancer Support Centre (Hong Kong)
Tel: 2525 6033
- Breast Cancer Support Centre (Kowloon Centre)
Tel: 2597 3251
(Chinese version only)