Dr. Rhoda Yuen
Dr. Yuen has been devoting her time to the psychological counselling service of HKBCF for 4 years and she now volunteers as the chief counsellor of our patient support groups. Before joining HKBCF, Dr. Yuen worked in hospice care services for 10 years where she got in touch with numerous cancer patients. “I realize the importance of psychological support to cancer patients at different stages of their treatment path. No matter if they are newly diagnosed, terminal stage or relapsed patients, it is critical that they obtain psychological support at an early stage, so that they can adjust to their psychological conditions and take care of their own health with a positive attitude.”
Over the past 4 years, what impressed Dr. Yuen most is that she has witnessed the change of numerous patients under her care. At first, they are self-conscious and refuse to interact or even not tell their families about their illness. However, upon attending the support groups, they gradually open themselves up and are willing to share how they feel and finally live a positive life again. “Through their breast cancer experience, they learn to enhance the quality of physical living as well as mentally. This is what we aim for.”
With this mission in mind, Dr. Yuen thinks it is her duty to contribute her expertise and assist breast cancer patients by offering psychological, emotional and relationship counselling. “Being a volunteer can bring light into the life of others as well as to enrich my own. I wish users of our support services will in one day join our team as peer support help to bring hope to others in need.”
(April 2009)