Charity Screening of ANITA Ms. Joyce Lee was appointed as HKBCF Ambassador
At the Charity Screening of ANITA on 10 Nov 2021 at MOViE MOViE Pacific Place hosted by Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation (HKBCF), more than 200 guests joined the event, including celebrities, entrepreneurs and philanthropists. Mrs. Eliza Fok, Chairman of HKBCF announced at the opening address that Joyce Lee was appointed as HKBCF Ambassador. Joyce Lee urged the public to “take a step, fight against breast cancer”. She also reminded women to have regular breast screening and support HKBCF’s charity work.
Mrs. Eliza Fok praised that, Ms. Anita Mui, “Hong Kong Daughter” is highly recognized by public for her unrelenting spirit when facing difficulties, plus her devotion towards charity. She hopes that the charity screening can raise the public awareness about breast cancer. With the rising number of breast cancer over the past 20 years, in 2019, about 13 women are diagnosed with breast cancer every day. She advised women aged 40 or above to undergo mammogram every two years.
The Charity Screening of ANITA held by HKBCF was a big success and star-studded. HKBCF was honored to invite guests from various industries and have their tremendous support. Also, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks for our Diamond Sponsor Absolute Pure Limited, sole distributor of GERMAGIC; Platinum Sponsor Mr. Charles Yang BBS, JP and various Management Committee members of HKBCF, etc.

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